Monday, October 17, 2011

Things That made Me Smile

Meeting all of my deadlines * The monster at the end of this book * Family "emergencies" that allow me to get my real work done * Pumpkin cookies!! * Learning that one of my tribe members is a real live Sookie Stackhouse * Jimmy John's veggie sub...the sprouts give you life * 8 of Atlanta's Most Beautiful People from the inside out * Getting the right kind of feedback on my writing, finally * Big girl job opps beginning to roll in * "Don't trade your time in for this" * Sonnaween planning * Yogi tea speaking the truth (Word is bond!) * Reading A Return to Love * Connecting the right people at the right time * Passing my copy of Spirit Junkie on to the original OG, BG * Running into my favorite swimsuit designer Kenyatta Williams and her mom at Barnes and Nobles * Red wine and alone time * Imitation of Life * Green Smoothies!!!

This week I'm also throwing in a list of people who've saved my life at one point or another whether or not they know they did. So without further ado here are the DJs that have saved my life:

BG the OG * Ari S Diddi, please say the Diddi * Amber * Tricie Stackhouse * Keisha * Yosef * Silly Sill * Rodney * Kindra * MFCM * Eric (not THAT Eric but it would be nice) * Ashley E Doggie * Gabby B (never met her but she did save me ) * Lil Lauren * Moe Breaux * Jodi * Benz-O * Ms Janice * Mrs Wiggins * Lil Curtis and Bellinger * Cheryl * The Broke and Pretty crew * Jay * Elle Jay *Gabs * Junji * The Kaiser * CW

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