Friday, April 20, 2012

Shake It Out

You know I love me some Flo + The Machine but this isn't about her song, it's about me saying a few things that I'm sure 99% of America--well 99% of the people in America that know me--would never know about me in a million years. Getting this stuff out isn't about you feeling sorry for me or anything, I'm too old for your pity give it to Eden Wood, it's about putting what's real and true out there. So here goes....

5 Things You Wouldn't Guess About Me From Looking.

5. I'm a socially awkward snob.

4.  Guys do not ask me out, aside from creepers who ask everyone out. Seriously, my ex was the only non-creepy guy who asked me out in 5 years of living in Atlanta and that scares the hell out of me 95% of the time.

3. I work in fashion so I have a million and one better things I would love to discuss that have nothing to do with quantum physics.

2. My spirit animal is a combination of Zooey Deschanel, Witch Baby and a mama wolf.

1. I like my men smarter than I am and just as socially awkward. Maybe I should start hanging out at Tech...

There's a few things I'm leaving out but I'm not ready to go there...yet.

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